The 25th Annual Symposium was titled Imaging Metabolism in Brain Disease and was held on January 31st to February 1st 2018 on Campus at UTSouthwestern Medical Center. The Symposium covered areas like Inborn Errors in Brain Metabolism as well as Brain Cancer, Concussion and Neurodegeneration.
This year Annual Symposium had a record breaking 155 registered attendees and more than 15 speakers from UTSW and institutions nationwide. A poster competition for postdocs and students was also introduced, which was a tremendous success with more than 30 submitted poster abstracts. We would like to congratulate our poster prize winners Ayse Ercan and Divya Bezwada and Runner-ups Cherise R. Chin Fatt and Zhongxu An.
Target Audience
This Symposium is intended for physicians, scientists and students with an interest in metabolic imaging of brain disease.
Purpose and Content
Abnormalities in metabolism are associated with many brain diseases. Despite advances in clinical diagnostic tools, limitations on current methods to characterize and visualize changes in brain functions and metabolism remain a significant barrier to understanding common brain disorders. The Symposium was designed to advance our understanding of the role of metabolism in brain diseases and to explore new methods to image metabolic pathways in human patients. Basic concepts in metabolism as well as MRI, MR spectroscopy and hyperpolarized 13C MRI will be reviewed. Recent developments in imaging of brain diseases will be presented by internationally-recognized experts and by UT Southwestern faculty. Demonstrations of sample preparation and operation of hyperpolarized 13C MRI set-up will be available. This Symposium is supported by the National Institute of Heath - National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIH-NIBIB: EB015908) and by the O’Donnell Brain Institute at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Educational Objectives
Metabolic imaging plays important roles in the diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases. Upon completion of the Symposium, attendees should be able to:
- Describe basic principles of intermediary metabolism in the brain.
- Identify high-impact brain disorders that are caused by primary defects in metabolism
- Describe fundamental principles and applications of CEST MRI.
- Describe the physiologic basis for functional MRI of the brain.
- Describe the potential role of hyperpolarized 13C MR in imaging compared to current clinical tools.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Time | Title | Speaker |
7:30 am | Breakfast & Registration | |
Morning Sesssion 1 | Moderator: Lloyd Lumata, PhD University of Texas at Dallas |
8:30 am | Replacing Radiation in Metabolic Research | Craig Malloy, MD UT Southwestern Medical Center |
9:00 am | Hyperpolarized 13C: Basic Principles | Jae Mo Park, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center |
9:30 am | Hyperpolarized 13C MRI: Early Clinical Applications | John Kurhanewicz, PhD UC San Francisco |
10:00 am | Break | |
Morning Sesssion 2 | Moderator: Charlie Khemtong, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center |
10:30 am | Water: The Best Biomarker of Metabolism! | Dean Sherry, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center |
11:00 am | CEST: Pulse Sequences and Chemical Specificity | Elena Vinogradov, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center |
11:30 am | Cancer Prognosis by CEST | Masaya Takahashi, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center |
12:00 pm | Lunch | |
Facility Tour and Demos | ||
1:00 pm | Convene in NG, Tour Group Assignments | |
1:15pm 1:45pm 2:15pm |
Spinlab/Clinical MRI Group A Group B Group C |
Crystal Harrison, PhD; Jian-xiong Wang, PhD |
1:15pm 1:45pm 2:15pm |
HyperSense/SwissSense Group B Group C Group A |
Gaurav Sharma, PhD |
1:15pm 1:45pm 2:15pm |
Fluid Path Preparation Group C Group A Group B |
Jeff Liticker, PharmD; Jeannie Baxter, RN |
Afternoon Session | Moderator: Dean Sherry, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center |
3:00 pm | The Challenge of the Brain: Metabolism in Many Compartments | Doug Rothman, PhD Yale University |
3:45 pm | Metabolic Basis of fMRI | Richard Buxton, PhD UC San Diego |
4:30 pm | Reception and Posters |
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Time | Title | Speaker |
7:30 am | Breakfast & Registration | |
Morning Sesssion 1 Inborn Errors in Metabolism |
Moderator: Juan Pascual, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center |
8:30 am | Biochemical Basis of Neurodevelopmental Disorders | Andrea Gropman, MD Children's National Health System |
9:15 am | Integration of Clinical, Genetic and Imaging Data for Evaluation of Inborn Erorrs | Ralph Deberardinis, MD, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center |
10:00 am | Break | |
Morning Sesssion 2 Brain Cancer |
Moderator: Bruce Mickey, MD UT Southwestern Medical Center |
10:30 am | MR spectroscopy studies of brain cancer | Sabrina Ronen, PhD UC San Francisco |
11:15 am | In Vivo Metabolomics of Brain Cancer | Changho Choi, PhD UT Southwestern Medical Center |
12:00 pm | Lunch | |
Afternoon Sesssion 1 Imaging after Concussion |
Moderator: Christopher Madden, MD UT Southwestern Medical Center |
1:00 pm | MEG and MRI in TBI | Joseph Maldjian, MD UT Southwester Medical Center |
1:45 pm | Brain Metabolism after Concussion | Brenda Bartnik-Olson, PhD Loma Linda University |
2:30 pm | Break | |
Afternoon Sesssion 2 Neurodegeneration |
Moderator: Mark Goldberg, MD UT Southwestern Medical Center |
3:00 pm | MRI and PET for Evaluation of Age Related Cognitive Decline | Prashanthi Vemury, PhD Mayo Clinic |
3:45 pm | MR Spectroscopy of Neuropsychiatric Disorders | Peter Barker, DPhil Johns Hopkins University |
4:30 pm | Poster Award, Discussion and Adjourn | Craig Malloy, MD UT Southwestern Medical Center |