Center for In Vivo Metabolism UTSW

The National Center of In Vivo Metabolism has been active since 1987 and has published numerous papers. Below we have an updated list of publications from not only faculty and staff of the Center, but also from collaborations using the Center's resources.
A full list is also available on the NIH profile of the Center grant.

Dynamic 13 C MR spectroscopy as an alternative to imaging for assessing cerebral metabolism using hyperpolarized pyruvate in humans
Junjie Ma, Marco C Pinho, Crystal E Harrison, Jun Chen, Chenhao Sun, Edward P Hackett, Jeff Liticker, James Ratnakar, Galen D Reed, Albert P Chen, A Dean Sherry, Craig R Malloy, Steven M Wright, Christopher J Madden, Jae Mo Park

Dual-phase imaging of cardiac metabolism using hyperpolarized pyruvate
Junjie Ma, Craig R Malloy, Salvador Pena, Crystal E Harrison, James Ratnakar, Vlad G Zaha, Jae Mo Park

Cardiac T2* measurement of hyperpolarized 13 C metabolites using metabolite-selective multi-echo spiral imaging
Junjie Ma, Jun Chen, Galen D Reed, Edward P Hackett, Crystal E Harrison, James Ratnakar, Rolf F Schulte, Vlad G Zaha, Craig R Malloy, Jae Mo Park

Hyperpolarized 13 C MR Spectroscopy Depicts in Vivo Effect of Exercise on Pyruvate Metabolism in Human Skeletal Muscle
Jae Mo Park, Crystal E Harrison, Junjie Ma, Jun Chen, James Ratnakar, Zungho Zun, Jeff Liticker, Galen D Reed, Avneesh Chhabra, Ronald G Haller, Thomas Jue, Craig R Malloy

Oxygen-Sensitive MRI: A Predictive Imaging Biomarker for Tumor Radiation Response?
Tatsuya J Arai, Donghan M Yang, James W Campbell 3rd, Tsuicheng Chiu, Xinyi Cheng, Strahinja Stojadinovic, Peter Peschke, Ralph P Mason

Characterization and compensation of f0 inhomogeneity artifact in spiral hyperpolarized 13 C imaging of the human heart
Galen D Reed, Junjie Ma, Jae Mo Park, Rolf F Schulte, Crystal E Harrison, Albert P Chen, Salvador Pena, Jeannie Baxter, Kelly Derner, Maida Tai, Jaffar Raza, Jeff Liticker, Ronald G Hall 2nd, A Dean Sherry, Vlad G Zaha, Craig R Malloy

The Roles of ZnT1 and ZnT4 in Glucose-Stimulated Zinc Secretion in Prostate Epithelial Cells
Su-Tang Lo, Daniel Parrott, M Veronica Clavijo Jordan, Diya Binoy Joseph, Douglas Strand, U-Ging Lo, Ho Lin, Anza Darehshouri, A Dean Sherry

15 N-carnitine, a novel endogenous hyperpolarized MRI probe with long signal lifetime
Cornelius von Morze, John A Engelbach, Galen D Reed, Albert P Chen, James D Quirk, Tyler Blazey, Rohit Mahar, Craig R Malloy, Joel R Garbow, Matthew E Merritt

Insulin resistance is mechanistically linked to hepatic mitochondrial remodeling in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Chris E Shannon, Mukundan Ragavan, Juan Pablo Palavicini, Marcel Fourcaudot, Terry M Bakewell, Ivan A Valdez, Iriscilla Ayala, Eunsook S Jin, Muniswamy Madesh, Xianlin Han, Matthew E Merritt, Luke Norton

Assessment of hepatic pyruvate carboxylase activity using hyperpolarized [1- 13 C]-l-lactate
Jun Chen, Edward P Hackett, Zoltan Kovacs, Craig R Malloy, Jae Mo Park